Coaching & Facilitation
My expertise lies in
creating safe and stimulating learning environments
sharing extensive knowledge and experience
designing effective learning and ...
ensuring the application of learning in the real world.
My overall approach is a high support/high challenge partnership. The basic assumption is that both I and those with whom I work bring things of real value to the situation we are addressing, and the skill lies in capitalising on that potential.
At present I am particularly interested in exploring the complex and multiple narratives which people create, normally out of conscious awareness, to make sense of their experience. I am developing a range of approaches to helping people recognise these, and discover how they can change their own, and others’ narratives, with tremendously powerful and positive effects. My long awaited book, Shifting Stories - How changing their stories can transform people explains all this in more depth; see the Shifting Stories website.

I have run my consultancy for more than thirty years, working with blue chip commercial organisations and latterly with a number of universities.
My qualifications include:
Post Graduate Diploma in coaching and mentoring
Post Graduate Certificate in Coaching Supervision
Time to Think coach
MBTI (1&2) & Hogan Psychometrics
I have run participative workshops at many conferences, and am an active member of a number of formal and informal CPD networks ranging from the EMCC and Nancy Kline’s Collegiate to Cumbria Coaching Network and the Coaching Supervision Partnership.