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The Thinking Environment Qualifying Programmes

** This page is for those who have already completed either the Thinking Partnership Programme, or the Foundation Programme. **

Having successfully completed either of those, the next step on your Thinking Environment professional journey could be to gain qualification from Time to Think as either a Coach or a Facilitator. 

This page outlines both the Coach and the Facilitation programmes and requirements, including the practicum you will need to undertake to gain qualification.

The Coaching Qualification programme

Pre-Requisite: Completion of the Thinking Partnership Programme

The Workshops: The heart of the programme is two 2-day workshops, with a small number (maximum 6) of other professionals working towards the qualification.  As with the Thinking Partnership Programme, these workshops are very practical in their nature, and you will have the opportunity to practice full coaching sessions as well as think with fellow participants and me about all aspects of the Thinking Environment as it applies to Coaching. 


The Practicum: After completion of the four days, you will begin the practicum stage of the course which should be completed and submitted within 6 months. I will continue to support and offer you time to think throughout this process. The practicum work asks that you:

1. Practice Coaching Sessions
Practice-coach two people three sessions each (six sessions in total). After each session, write/record a summary of the session and notes of your learning, as well as questions that the session raised for you.

2. Explicate the Pauses
Demonstrate your competence in thinking through the 'considerations' that lead to the best choice of next question for the Thinker. We will agree,
 after day 4 of the course, how you may best demonstrate that competence.

3. Characterise the Thinking Session as Coaching
Communicate your responses to these questions, in a format that we agree (written, audio, video etc...):
a - In what ways do you think the Thinking Session is a genuine and effective coaching framework?
b - What do you think are the features of the Thinking Session that are not usually found in other coaching approaches that you will need to explain to your clients? How would you explain each of them?

4. Participate in T
wice-Weekly Thinking Sessions
During the period of your learning and qualifying, continue to refine and advance your expertise by having two Thinking Sessions per week, confirming progress periodically with me. 

Collegiate Membership: Once you have completed the practicum you will be qualified as a Time to Think Coach, and become a member of the Time to Think Collegiate. That will give you access to a wide range of CPD events offered by members of the Time to Think Faculty (and an expectation that you will attend four or more a year). You will also be listed on the Time To Think Website as a coach. As part of your Faculty Membership you will be expected to have regular Thinking Partnership sessions with other qualified practitioners (40 per annum) to ensure that you maintain your skills.

What Next?  This programme is a pre-requisite for the Thinking Partnership Teachers Qualifying Course.

The Facilitation Qualification programme


Pre-Requisite: Completion of the Foundation Programme

The Workshops: The heart of the programme is a two-day workshop with a one day follow-up, with a small number (maximum 6) of other professionals working towards the qualification.  As with the Foundation Programme, these workshops are very practical in their nature, and you will have the opportunity to explore all the group applications of the Thinking Environment as well as think with fellow participants and me about all aspects of the Thinking Environment as it applies to working with groups. 

The Practicum: After completion of the three days, you will begin the practicum stage of the course which should be completed and submitted within 6 months. I will continue to support and offer you time to think throughout this process. The practicum work asks that you:

1.Write an essay on The Ten Components of a Thinking Environment
This explication should demonstrate your knowledge of the definitions and principles of each of The Ten Components. It should include stories from your experience to illustrate the positive impact of each Component on people’s ability to think for themselves.

2. Deliver each Application twice
Through delivery of each of the eight Applications (without charge) to a group (4 people minimum) organised by you, you will deepen your understanding about presenting and facilitating this work.

3. Submit your Notes and Reflections
After delivery of each Application, your will record your learning as well as any questions that arose from your delivery.

4. Engage in Thinking Pairs Practice Twice Weekly
This practice in both the Thinker and the Thinking Partner role, twice a week until you finish the Practicum, once a week thereafter to maintain your certification, will sustain development of your understanding and expertise. 

Collegiate Membership: Once you have completed the practicum you will be qualified as a Time to Think Facilitator, and become a member of the Time to Think Collegiate. That will give you access to a wide range of CPD events offered by members of the Time to Think Faculty (and an expectation that you will attend four or more a year). You will also be listed on the Time To Think Website as a Facilitator. As part of your Faculty Membership you will be expected to have regular Thinking Partnership sessions with other qualified practitioners (40 per annum) to ensure that you maintain your skills.  When you begin to charge for the delivery of these Applications, you will be asked to make license and ongoing professional development agreements in order to retain your certification. The license fee will be 10%, as determined by you, of any fee you receive for delivering these Applications.

Where, When and What is the Cost?

All programmes are run at our home/office in the Lake District - where we are able to offer refreshments and lunches. We are also able to offer accommodation, included in the price, for the first four people to book.

These programmes are arranged on dates to suit participants. Please get in touch if you are interested, and have already completed the Thinking Partnership programme or the Foundation programme (whether with me or with someone else).

The price for the Coaching Qualification programme is £1,970 (+ VAT) and the price for the Facilitation Qualification Programme is £1,690 (+ VAT). In both cases including accommodation for the programme (for the first four people to book) and full support for the completion of the practicum.

Get in touch

Select which programme are you interested in from the drop down menu ...
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